About Us
Dr. Joseph I. Abraham and his wife, Linda Abraham, founded The IMPACT Project, Inc., in 1991. IMPACT provides specialized foster care services, independent living programs, juvenile court evaluations, Community Justice Panels, The Collegiate Mentoring Program, The School Justice Panel Program, and counseling services to a variety of clients. Since its inception IMPACT has specialized in working with children who, for a variety of reasons, necessitated removal from their families/homes of origin and placement in specialized foster care settings. In the year 2000, IMPACT added to its cadre of services an additional specialty in community based diversion programming. These programs provide certain youth, who meet a set of pre-determined criteria, with the opportunity to avoid being processed through the juvenile justice system and to remain within their families/homes/schools/communities of origin.
The IMPACT Project, Inc., has the distinction of being the only foster care agency in Pennsylvania to receive the prestigious Program of the Year award by The Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission (JCJC) for both our foster care programming as well as our community based programming. Currently, The IMPACT Project, Inc., services approximately 75 youth on a daily basis in our foster care programs and over 400 youth per year in our community based diversion programs.
The following podcast was from a segment that aired on a local radio station on August 15, 2013. It is approximately ½ hour long and provides a more detailed first hand account of the life and times of the Abrahams as well as how The IMPACT Project, Inc. came to be established. It also provides a closer look at IMPACT’s various programs and what specifically they are doing to positively influence the lives of the adolescents with whom we are committed to helping.
PODCAST: http://wdiy.org/post/impact-project-take-charge-your-life

"Don’t let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was."